Our Journey to Parenthood...

Top 10 things that have not helped us in having a baby...
10. Sex...
9. Reading books about how to have a baby...
8. Non-doubling Hcg numbers...
7. Crying, bargaining, and begging...
6. Pillows under butt...
5. Being asked "When are you going to have a baby???"
4. Doctors...
3. BBT and OPK...
2. Holding other people's babies...
1. JUST RELAXING........................... Please refrain from suggesting any of the crap listed above.

All other suggestions are welcome.

2/2/2010 08:22:28 am

Grandmothers saying they hope to see a baby before they die doesn't help much either.

2/2/2010 12:16:00 pm

HAHAHA, I dont know how many of those I have heard. My favourite is relax. I have an issue relaxing is not going to make it go away!

2/3/2010 10:46:35 pm

Yeah I had a girl tell me once to "just relax" and "things always happen for a reason" etc.... boy, did she get it! I dont think that will be her advice again for awhile ;)


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